Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Interesting Survey

Wednesday, February 6th 2008 at 6:00pm

Who were you with last night?

My boyfriend, My boyfriend.

What woke you up this morning?

My boyfriend being frustrated that he couldn’t remember his dreams.

Where are you?

My computer in my room.

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?

Probably... Not?

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?

My boyfriend kissed me before he went to work, and gave me hugs. Actually we did a lot more than kiss this morning...

When's the last time you cried?

Probably a week ago or so.


Ever thrown up in public?

Probably, but I can’t think when.

Passed out because of alcohol?

I never just simply fell on the floor if that’s what you mean.

What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?

This survey. What else could I be thinking about while trying to answer the questions?


Would you take a bullet for anyone?

That’s a good question. I’d be willing to do it for my mom, but I know she wouldn’t want me to do it, so I wouldn’t. And I’d probably do it for My boyfriend on impulse if it was a spur of the moment decision – assuming I’m fast enough to do that.

Where would you like to live?

Probably Japan, but I can’t say for sure because I’ve never been there. It would be hard to leave Buffalo though.

What kind of house would you like?

If I could have any sort of house I wanted I’d like five floors, and about 100 by 100 feet of floor space on each floor, except the fifth floor would be half outside. And a pool indoors on the first floor. The second floor would include lavish apartments for all my favorite people including my parents. The third floor would belong to my kids, which I’d like to have eight of, which I could probably afford if I could afford such a house! And the fourth floor would be mine and My boyfriend’s place. What sort of house? Very modern, very unique, very artsy, very large...

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Well, I tend to consider myself pretty grown now that I’m nineteen, but in the future I’d like to be the most awesome wife and mom a woman can be.

Where do you see yourself in 4 years?

I see myself married to My boyfriend, one baby and another on the way, living here probably with the extension on the house finished, perhaps with Tina as well. I might be taking a class or two at college but not particularly likely. I’d still be running the Social Club, but more from a distance, with my staff taking care of the bulk of the task.


Who is your number 1?

My boyfriend, of course.

Who have you kissed on your top friends?

Tina once a long time ago, because Josh made her basically. My boyfriend, of course. Probably no one else, though I may have kissed Laura before while intoxicated or just while simply at a party. Not sure. (I don’t get intoxicated anymore.)

Who was the last person that left you a comment?

Some dude calling himself ‘Fallen Angel’ who was wishing me a happy birthday.

Are you good friends with this person?

I’m not exactly sure whose account it is, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Kasheef.

How often do you log in to myspace?

I used to do it once a month, but now because of the Social Club more like everyday.


Do you like candy necklaces?

Disgusting. I didn’t even like them back when I did eat sugar. Now I don’t eat High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sucralose, Maltital, Splenda, or any other sweetener including white sugar. I avoid brown sugar mostly, and only have raw honey in my tea. I couldn’t be paid to eat a candy-anything.

When's the last time you fell or ran into something?

I run into so many things all the time it’s hard to say. I slipped on the ice today though I didn’t fall. I bumbled into the mirror while entering the bathroom recently. I crash into my coffee table at least once a week.

What was the last thing you ate?

Sesame Rice Crisps. I’m saving the Natural Flavor Rice Crisps for later.

Are you a fast at typing?

More or less. Around 45 words a minute if that is considered fast.

About how many people have you driven with?

I can drive, but I hate it. I’ve driven mostly with my Mom. A few times with my Dad. Once with My boyfriend and El, and that was very nerve-wracking and uncomfortable.

What are you doing this weekend?

Having a Social Club meeting on Saturday and hanging out with My boyfriend on Sunday, probably going to the mall to get him new sneakers and me new socks.

Whats your favorite type of soda?

None. The kind that doesn’t exist. The only good soda is the soda that is used to clean floors and not ever drank! Soda = evil, slow, painful death.

Have you ever moved?

Not really. We had a house fire and had to stay in a temporary apartment for nine months while making repairs, but other than that, I’ve lived in the same house my entire life.

Have you ever won an award?

What sort of an award? Does a Reiki Certificate count? I suppose not... In eighth grade I got ‘most improved’ in History class for making an 11 point improvement.

How many times have you eaten sushi?


What do you want to do right now?

Be with My boyfriend would be nice, but he’s at work. After I’m done with this I’m taking the rest of the day off if I can, and I’ll be reading and working on my game design. Perhaps if I’m ambitious I’ll work on the mid-section of the attic somewhat, but that’s unlikely for today.

Are you listening to music right now?

No, the sound driver on my computer hasn’t been reinstalled yet since I rebooted.

Are you with someone right now?

Nope. My Mom is out picking up my Dad right now, and Mary I think is in her apartment, likely sleeping. My room is empty nevertheless.

How long until your birthday?

An entire year. My birthday was a week ago. So that would mean 55 weeks until my next one.

When were you the saddest in your whole life?

Most certainly after Jeremy broke up with me. I wanted to die. I didn’t even have the energy to be angry at myself, or other people, or him. I just wanted to disappear. I was sixteen when he left me.

What time is it now?


Do you think anyone will re-post to this?

Probably at least one of my online friends will.

What makes you pissed off?

Being called a liar.

Have you ever had a song written about you?

I had a poem written to me before, from Jeremy. Tre might have written me one, but if so it wasn’t remarkable and I didn’t keep it because I don’t remember him writing me one... We were always so stoned, so who knows. I know My boyfriend hasn’t, unless you count the cute set of statements he wrote me recently.

What song makes you cry?

A lot of them. Too many to name. “Family Portrait,” by Pink, and “Runaway Love,” by Mary J. Blige and Ludrachris. Those are the first two that come to mind.

What songs makes you happy?

The most recent one has Fergie in it... It’s called “Wind it Up” I think.

What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?

My boyfriend talking, that makes me the most relaxed and content.

Do you have a job?

Do you count starting a Social Club?

What does Your CD player have in it right now?

I don’t have a CD player anymore. Any one that I ever had was broken by somebody, or stolen.

If you were a crayon what color would you be?

Why do I have to be a crayon? Can’t I be a Prismatic Marker? If I could be a color I’d be pink. What a silly question! You know I’d be pink. Some cross between hot pink and baby pink.

What makes you happy?

My boyfriend. Writing. Reading a good book. Creating something new. Feeling accomplished. Watching a new anime series that is really deep. Having several orgasms in a row... Though one is good too.




Blackish, but it’s brown under the dye.





What are you wearing?

My favorite Jeans... The only ones that are still tight after I lost weight.
A long sleeved black shirt with a high neck, but it unzips diagonally from the neck to my armpit. Two pairs of pink socks, the tall ones My boyfriend was wearing last night and fluffy pink ankle socks over them. A lime-green sports bra about two years old and a pair of brand-new panties that I put on for the first time last night. They’re pink.

What taste is in your mouth?

Not much of anything.

Do you have a bad habit?

Sometimes I talk too much. I can’t help but rant about government, High Fructose Corn Syrup, idiotic human ways, Artificial Sugars, politics, Bad Eating Habits, Health... You get the idea. People destroying their bodies with their diet, cutting years off their life, ruining the quality of their life along the way and such just disgusts me, especially when I can fix it.


Guilty Secret said...

Thanks for responding to my previous comments. Don't worry about responding to my comments here on comments over at my place too, cos I will come back and check comments here to see if you reply.

In response to your question, yes I think marrying someone after two years is too soon, especially so young. I was eighteen when I met Baddie and I think, considering that, five years is about a good length of time to decide we wanted to get married. I think I am very young to be getting married, even at 24. But you can't choose when you meet the person you want to marry. You *can* wait a few years to make sure they're the right one, though. Why rush if you're going to be together forever anyway? Being married will not change him or make him behave more like a husband if he's not ready to.

PhoenixMuse said...

That's a good point. I think I want to get married more for the fact that I don't want to wait so long for kids. I want to have at least two kids before I'm 24. Kids is my big dream in life, all I ever wanted, and I won't have kids without being married. I suppose that's my only rush. Corvier wants kids too, though he's no so certain about it being so soon. He says he is mostly afraid of it because he believes that I will change my mind.

Anonymous said...


zroc k / yr 39