Monday, December 24, 2007

Comment Replies

Tuesday the 18th of December, 2007.

It is 6:21pm at the moment.

Comment Replies:


I’ve often thought that you tend to go with the grain in an educated manor, and I suppose I still think that. I also agree that people should wait until they have money to have a child. My mother however, has pointed out many times that if we ever really waited for something to be entirely practical, we may never get it, or we may be too old for it to really be relevant anymore.

My boyfriend says that he was poor growing up, and by the time he was old enough to realize or care that he was, his mom ended up remarrying and doing better, and moving into a nice large house anyway. My parent’s didn’t have a lot of money while I was growing up either, and I think that the spare bits of money that bought more toys didn’t really help me anyway.

On the contrary, kids get too used to having too much. Why not have a little depravation of money as a child? I’d rather spend my entire budget on them on just food and give them health. Toys simply spoil them to death, and they’ll have grandparents to buy them useless crap as is. I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t want to even bother with a crib. While they’re a baby I’m going to keep them snuggled with blankets in a box next to my bed. Why not?

And when they get bigger, instead of keeping them penned up, I’d rather be spending that time training them, just as you would a pet. If you keep a pet in a cage, then it won’t learn how to behave outside the cage. Humans don’t live in cages, so why should we ever be raised inside one? (Even if it’s a baby-safe, expensive, adorable "crib" rather than a cage.)

In regards to taking the shot... I’ve done some reading about that, and I’m absolutely against it. The average woman gains ten pounds, and the shot actually made my friend Tina loose her period for over a year, and she had to take pills to get it restarted. That sounds like something very harsh.

As for the pills, I know that some pill out there might be right for me, but then that means finding it, which means testing it out, etc. Not to mention side effects along the way, and the fact that no birth control is going to work correctly if you forget to take it at the right time each day. My body is too sensitive. (Testimonials to my sensitivity: Back when I smoked weed, my high lasted four times as long as everyone else’s. Back when I ate sugar I’d not only "crash" but I’d have a day-long headache. Spendla causes my legs to have severe leg cramps. Patches make my breasts too sore to even be lightly touched. Nueva Ring made my pussy so sore that a mere finger hurt terribly. I had Mono four times, each time in bed for a month or more. I can usually use one aspirin for things other people need two or four for. Mold makes me dizzy. Etc!)

My sensitivity to everything makes me even more afraid of childbirth, but it doesn’t change my wanting a child. Financial aside, I can’t come up with a reason not to have a baby sometime soon, really.

Guilty Secret,

Despite what I’ve said about My boyfriend’s drinking, he’s completely quit cigarettes for me, and is doing extremely well with the drinking in more recent times. He hasn’t gotten drunk to the point in losing memory in many, many months, and he does want to quit, which is good. I know it might be really soon, but as I’ve already said, I can’t find a big enough reason not to have a baby soon, though I admit another year might be good.


I'm so glad you pointed that out! That was actually part of my point. How true, and how NOT true, all stereotypes are. I was inspired to write the entry about women’s and men’s stereotypes because of My boyfriend's nonsense about women being more of players then men. But the point is, as you pointed out, that all of that stuff, while true for many people, are not true for many people like yourself. While many women may cheat, lie, and manipulate just as many of us women think all men do, it doesn’t change the fact that there are tons of exceptions everywhere.

In terms of being a dutiful woman, I suppose that’s a concept stuck in my head. I want to be the dutiful wife and mother, but I also want a dutiful, loving husband. Go figure.


I’m still waiting for you to tell me how I’ve been less real lately? Less real about what? What do you mean by real anyway?


How’s the moving going? Are you settled yet?


When, oh when, are you coming back? I miss you!

Today I went grocery shopping with Mom. We didn’t get much. Apples, water, baking soda, juice, crackers... That’s about it. We went to Tops. I wanted to go to Wegmands and get a couple Yerba Mates and more Rice Crips, but such is life.

Anyway, read what I wrote earlier today. It may be more interesting.

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